Ensure maximum transparency with ESG Reporting
Build a Sustainable Future
Stay ahead of regulatory requirements, manage risk and generate reports.
Blockchain enabled for greater transparency and security.
With our ESG digital management software, you can take your ESG performance to the next level by gathering, utilizing, and reporting punctually, accurately, completely, and fully transparent investment-grade data.
Reduce your exposure to environmental and societal risks. Increase brand reputation and drive your business into a sustainable future.

Sustainable Development Reports
Use a reporting system that lets you compare metrics and disclosures with up-to-date sustainability standards, like GRI 2021
Identify your Actions with the 17 Sustainability Goals -
Umbrella framework allows you to identify your contributions towards sustainable development goals, SDG targets can be mapped based on the indicators.
Reporting Process
Collaboration - Engage your team to comply, Get notified of pending audit items for compliance, Request data across your teams and get notified on each disclosures
Historical Data Library - Track records and previous data & accommodate multiple levels of data validation and review operational workflows.
Guidance - Allow an organization to report information that covers all its most significant impacts
Omissions - Reasons for omission can be used if, an organization cannot report a disclosure that is required for reporting.

Sustainable Development Goals SDGs
The World's To-DO List -A strategic plan of action for People, Planet & Prosperity.
The 17 SDGs and its 169 associated targets will stimulate actions over the next 7 years. To resolve all kinds of critical problems faced by every human being and our planet, the agenda is determined to take transformative steps which are urgently required to reach the desired goals.